Projects we collaborated
In Wenalyze, we collaborated with different projects at both the international and national levels.
Here you can find some of them:


ICEX Next program helps Wenalyze to grow internationally, to increase the external turnover by diversifying business risks, and to improve global competitiveness.

Infinitech H2020

Infinitech h2020 is a platform for testing IoT and Big Data products, in our case SMEs insurance products, inside the Financial and Insurance European Ecosystem.

Ajuntament de València: València Activa & VLC Tech City

This project by Valencia City Council consists of measuring the economic impact of COVID-19 by applying automated systems to identify and monitor the loss of business activity.


Innowwide aims to help European SMEs to test the viability of bringing their technological solutions to new and emerging markets.

IVACE Asesora

The program is aimed at the growth of small innovative companies through specialized advice.


Programme to promote the indefinite hiring of qualified young people (AVALEM JOVES), within the framework of the National Youth Guarantee System.

Comunidad de Madrid

Ayudas a jóvenes empresas innovadoras de base tecnológica y pymes de alta intensidad innovadora

PICE 2024

Wenalyze ha sido beneficiaria del FSE, cuyo objetivo es promover la sostenibilidad y la calidad en el empleo, y gracias al que ha procedido a la contratación de jóvenes beneficiarios del Sistema Nacional de Garantía Juvenil, apoyando la reducción de la tasa de desempleo juvenil en España a través del fomento de la contratación. Para ello ha contado con el apoyo del “Plan de Capacitación – PICE” de la Cámara de Comercio de Valencia.


Adquisición de conocimientos para llegar al mercado de forma óptima y redefinición sustancial de los procesos de ventas y marketing de
Wenalyze en base a este conocimiento.


Programme to promote the indefinite hiring of qualified young people (AVALEM JOVES), within the framework of the National Youth Guarantee System.